Warzone 2.0 is not far off. In fact, we already have a release date for it. So let’s take a look at everything we know about Warzone 2.0.

Warzone 2
Hype. | © Activision

Warzone 2.0 will be the successor of the current Battle Royale hit Warzone and is coming sooner than expected. To keep you up to date, we have collected all the important information about the upcoming Warzone 2 in this article, including gameplay, maps, release date, weapons and more. Everything you need to know about Warzone 2 can be found here.

The original Warzone was developed by Infinity Ward, but development got handed over to Raven Software, who now has total creative control, after Infinity Ward started development on Modern Warfare II (2022). It is a hugely successful game that still makes headlines, even two years after launch, and is now the base-level Call of Duty game, with other mainline releases basically turning into glorified level grinding for Warzone.

Warzone 2.0: New Features

Warzone 2, apart from a new map, will also offer some new gameplay features. So far we know about the following new features:

Confirmed New Gameplay Features

Since Warzone 2 is again closely connected to Modern Warfare II, some new mechanics from MWII will also appear in Warzone 2. It has already been confirmed that we will finally be able to swim and fight in and underwater in Warzone. Vehicles will also be able to be driven in or on the water, which will provide much more gameplay depth. We will also be able to hang from ledges and use our sidearm while doing so, and the popular Dolphin Dive will return.

The Gulag is of course back, but in Warzone 2 it will be played 2v2 and there will be the possibility to loot weapons and interact with an NPC called “The Jailer”. Here we have already summarized everything about the 2v2 Gulag.

It is also already confirmed that the circle in Warzone 2.0 will split into three smaller separate circles during the course of the game, which will only reunite at the very end of the match and lead to a final battle between the remaining squads. This should provide more excitement and, above all, more possibilities at the end of a match.

Warzone 2 0 circle
This is how the circle splits. | © Activision

Of course, Warzone 2.0 also features numerous vehicles again, which bring some new mechanics. We’ll be able to lean out of windows to shoot and can also climb onto the roof of the vehicle while driving to fire at enemies from there. In addition, for the first time, vehicles in Warzone 2.0 will also react differently to gunfire, explosions, etc., depending on their armor and weight. It is also interesting that the tires of cars can now be destroyed, but also repaired, and most vehicles have a tank that empties while driving and must be refueled at gas stations distributed on the map.

Let’s get to probably the biggest change in Warzone 2.0: There will be no loadouts or perks in Warzone 2.0. The loadout drops known from Warzone are not available in Warzone 2.0. We can still create our own weapons in Gunsmith, but no full loadouts with secondary weapon, perks and grenades. At buy stations in Warzone two we can buy single custom weapons, everything else must be looted on the map.

On the Al Mazrah map, there is also an AI faction that patrols certain locations or protects strongholds. The AI soldiers won’t actively pursue you, so you have the choice whether to attack them or not. If you manage to capture a stronghold, you’ll be rewarded with some decent loot and get an item that allows you to buy one of your custom weapons for free at a buying station.

New Guns, Equipment & More

We don’t have an exact list of weapons for Warzone 2 yet, but since the game will be closely linked to Modern Warfare II, it will start with all MWII weapons. As usual, new weapons will be added little by little.

When it comes to Perks, things get more exciting, because they are not available at launch in Warzone 2.0. Yes, Warzone 2.0 will be released without Perks. Maybe they will be added with later updates. In terms of equipment, i.e. field upgrades and grenades, Warzone 2.0 sticks to the selection from Modern Warfare 2.

What should also please many players is that we will get a firing range. In the current Warzone, there is no way to try out weapons and their attachments outside of a match. This would be a great and probably very popular change.

Warzone 2.0: Release Date

Warzone 2.0 will be released on November 16, just two weeks after Modern Warfare 2. This is much earlier than we had previously assumed.

Warzone 2.0: Expected Platforms

We expect that Call of Duty: Warzone 2 will be coming to Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC, but also for Xbox One and PS4. As we discussed in our article on Call of Duty’s possible Xbox-exclusivity, Warzone 2 will not be exclusive to Xbox. Switch users shouldn’t be too surprised either, as CoD has never been released on a Nintendo console before.

Warzone 2.0: Maps

Warzone 2 will once again have a large Battle Royale map and a smaller one for more action. We have already seen the large map, but there is no official information about the smaller map yet.

Warzone 2.0: BR Map

The big new Warzone 2.0 map will be set in a fictional place called “Al Mazrah”. The map is not set in South America, as originally assumed, but in West Asia, and here we already have a complete overview of the new map:

Al Mazrah
This is Al Mazrah. | © Activision

So once again it will be a peninsula, which lends itself to a Battle Royale. It also seems to be the biggest Battle Royale map we’ve ever seen in Warzone. Here we go into detail about the Warzone 2.0 map:

Warzone 2.0: “Rebirth” Map

Since not all players like huge maps, there will probably be another smaller map in the style of Rebirth Island or Fortune’s Keep. However, this second map will only be released after the launch of Warzone 2.

DMZ: The Third Mode In MWII?

With the launch of Warzone 2, a completely new Tarkov-like mode called DMZ will also be released. Not much is known about the new mode yet, but it is supposed to work similarly to Escape from Tarkov or Hazard Zone from Battlefield 2042.

Although it was briefly rumored that DMZ would act as the third mode of Modern Warfare 2, requiring you to buy the full-price game, it is now known that DMZ will be part of Warzone 2 and thus free.

How Does DMZ Work?

The goal in DMZ is to find loot or complete contracts before you exfiltrate. According to the developers, DMZ is supposed to serve as a kind of sandbox mode in which every player can do whatever he wants. You land on the large Al Mazrah map, which is populated by AI soldiers, and can decide for yourself whether you want to hunt other players, fight AI soldiers, or completely avoid shootouts. Sounds very exciting to us in any case.

That’s all the information about Warzone 2 that is currently available. Of course, we will keep this article up to date as soon as there is new information.

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