We won’t get loadout drops or perks in Warzone 2.0. But how will this work? And is this a good change, or not?

Warzone 2 0 Loadouts Perks
There will be loadout drops in Warzone 2.0, but is that a good thing? | © Activision

We just found out that the successor to Call of Duty’s popular Battle Royale will be called Warzone 2.0. But that’s not all. At the Call of Duty Next Event, select content creators were able to play Warzone 2.0, and we saw some exciting innovations. Besides the awesome new map Al Mazrah and the new movement mechanics, we also discovered that there are no loadouts or perks in Warzone 2.0. Let’s take a closer look.

No Loadouts Or Perks In Warzone 2.0

Yes, you read that right, there will be no more loadout drops in Warzone 2.0, neither free drops during the match nor at the buy stations. The entire loadout system has been overhauled for Warzone 2.0. In the original Warzone, players could create their own loadouts with primary and secondary weapons, three perks and grenades before the match. They could then either get from free loadout drops on the map or from loadout drops purchased at buy stations.

This usually resulted in every player just trying to scrounge up the cash for a loadout drop as quickly as possible and then using that for the rest of the match. Loot on the map was hardly relevant.

With the new system, that will change drastically. In Warzone 2.0, players can only buy individual weapons at the buying stations, perks are not available at all, while grenades and other equipment can only be found as loot. We can still create custom weapon setups in the Gunsmith, but no longer complete loadouts. At the buy stations in the match, we then have the choice of the weapons we previously created. As expected, the weapons will be relatively expensive, so if you want to exchange your looted weapon for your own custom weapon, you’ll need to save some cash.

Is This A Good Change?

Many players are now probably wondering why the developers did this. After all, loadouts and the right perk combinations were a big part of the Warzone experience. But we think this is an exciting change that could well turn out to be positive. In Warzone, after every update, there are always 2-3 meta loadouts that you have to play if you want to be successful. As a result, many perks and equipment were not used at all and looting was only done to get cash for a loadout drop as quickly as possible.

With the new system we can still use our favorite weapons, but we also have to focus on looting and using what we can find. This ensures significantly more variety, especially with equipment and secondary weapons. And the lack of perks should simply provide more balance (also thank god for no more Ghost).

What do you think of the new change? Will you miss the old loadout drops or are you excited about the change?

To see all the other new gameplay changes coming to Warzone 2, check out this video:

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